Depth-Limited Search

Depth-Limited Search 🚦

Depth-Limited Search (DLS) is a modification of the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm. While DFS explores data structures with no constraints on depth, DLS is restricted by a specified depth limit. This constraint makes it particularly useful when searching for solutions within a specific depth range in a tree or graph.

How Does Depth-Limited Search Work? 🚶‍♂️

DLS operates with the following steps:

  1. Start at the initial node or vertex of the tree or graph.
  2. Explore the neighbors or children of the current node, but only up to the specified depth limit.
  3. If the depth limit is reached or no more unexplored neighbors exist within the limit, backtrack to the parent node.
  4. Continue this process, incrementing the depth limit as needed, until the target node is found or the entire search space has been explored.

Here's a simplified pseudocode representation of DLS:

function depthLimitedSearch(node, target, depthLimit):
    if node equals target:
        return true // Target found
    if depthLimit equals 0:
        return false // Depth limit reached
    for each neighbor of node:
        if depthLimitedSearch(neighbor, target, depthLimit - 1) is true:
            return true // Target found in child node
    return false // Target not found in this branch


Complexity Analysis 📊

Time Complexity:

Time complexity of DLS algorithm is O(b^l) where b is known as the branching factor (number of children at each node) and l is the given depth limit.

Space Complexity:

Space complexity of DLS algorithm is O(b*l) where b is known as the branching factor (number of children at each node) and l is the given depth limit.


DLS is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution. It explores the search space within the depth limit and may return a solution if it exists within that limit. If the optimal solution lies beyond the depth limit, DLS will not find it.

Applications of Depth-Limited Search 🌐

Depth-Limited Search is applied in various real-world scenarios, especially when dealing with constrained depth exploration:

  • Game Tree Search: DLS is commonly used in game AI algorithms to limit the depth of exploring potential game moves, especially in games with extensive branching possibilities.
  • Artificial Intelligence: In AI algorithms, DLS can be applied to limit the exploration of decision trees within a specific time frame.
  • Puzzle Solving: DLS is used in puzzle-solving scenarios, such as solving mazes or finding optimal solutions within a certain number of moves.
  • Web Crawling: In web crawling and scraping, DLS can be employed to limit the depth of web page exploration to a specific level.

JavaScript Implementation 💻

class Node {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
        this.children = [];
function depthLimitedSearch(node, target, depthLimit) {
    if (node.value === target) {
        return true; // Target found
    if (depthLimit === 0) {
        return false; // Depth limit reached
    for (const child of node.children) {
        if (depthLimitedSearch(child, target, depthLimit - 1)) {
            return true; // Target found in a child node
    return false; // Target not found in this branch
// Create a sample tree
const root = new Node(1);
const node2 = new Node(2);
const node3 = new Node(3);
const node4 = new Node(4);
const node5 = new Node(5);
root.children = [node2, node3];
node2.children = [node4];
node4.children = [node5];
    level-0             (1)
                       /  \
    level-1         (2)   (3)
    level-2      (4)
    level-3   (5)
const targetValue = 5;
const depthLimit = 3;
const result = depthLimitedSearch(root, targetValue, depthLimit);
if (result) {
    console.log(`Target ${targetValue} found within depth limit of ${depthLimit}.`);
} else {
    console.log(`Target ${targetValue} not found within depth limit of ${depthLimit}.`);
// Result: Target 5 found within depth limit of 3.

This JavaScript code demonstrates a simple implementation of Depth-Limited Search within a tree structure.

Conclusion 🌟

Depth-Limited Search (DLS) is a valuable algorithm when you need to explore data structures with depth constraints. Whether you're developing game AI, solving puzzles, or limiting web crawling depths, DLS is a practical approach for efficiently navigating data within specified limits. Understanding DLS provides you with a useful tool for managing and optimizing depth-limited exploration in various scenarios. 🌟